#superstay24 #Influenster #contest

Here’s my #review of @maybelline ‘s #new 24 hour #superstay24 #longwearlipcolor in photo form.
For more about Influenster


The color on this stuff lasts all day! Comfortable, Non Tacky, Non Sticky and Purely Pigmented- This Stuff Lasts ALL DAY!

All day long all day strong just like me!



I got to review this in exchange for my honest opinion and my view is NY own

Tell Me About “Perplexed”

As life changes and time moves on, I find myself sitting here as I am writing on this blog which I haven’t touched in ages now feeling exactly that…


I am doing nothing that I thought I would be doing, living in an area where I had never considered before and taking a moment to “take it all in”

I am not an edit yourself, guilty of the “overshare “, uber hashtagging, here there and everywhere in life and on the social media type of gal.

I had it all figured out once…Keyword ONCE but now I find myself in the biggest dilemma of my life-

To clarify and streamline my brands, my mission, my message or to scrap the whole dang thing and start from square one?

I have done coaching calls, but every coach needs a coach, every brilliant emerging message, and icon needs someone to help them reign themselves in or they risk burning out long before their star does, this is what scares me most of all.

I have wasted so much time in online classes, personal coaching that goes nowhere and on webinars and training that frankly BORES me.

Does anyone else on the planet  like I do?

I am a dynamic, extroverted, once-you-meet-me-you’ll-ne-ver-forget-me, tiny titan with an amazing testimony, tons of talent and easily distracted because when I walk in a room-I own it (Not bragging HONEST I am comfortable that my destiny is in greatness)

But the search to connect in a medium, in a method that is the most comfortable and suited to me is nothing less than-



Thanks to Michelle from @TheDailyPost for this WP Writing Prompt

The Daily Post Prompt

Now if only I can find myself a manager..




Significant Business Academy

I wanted to share with all of you one of the most amazing opportunities that actually happens to be closing very very fast.

It’s called (like my title post Significant Business Academy held by @KristiBrown and this is taken directly from their website..

Significantly Business Academy

“Hi, I’m Kristi Brown and I’ve been there. I’ve done every course going,
including the ones that are just videos without much or any access to the face on the front of the course.
And I’ve coached a TON…all after leading successful teams at the likes of Disney and Living Social.
Frankly, you need a coach AND the business skills to build and grow a successful business…”


Now I have spent along time looking through all of these types of course, mentorships, elite-circles and on and on and on and you know what – my personality type- NO FLUFF NO FILLERS NO BULL and the more I seemed to look the more Glitter and FAKE INFLATED promises and price tags I seemed to find!

I am on an adventure to pull that trigger and to pull together all of the wonderfull bits and pieces of myself that should be a well oiled forced to be reckoned with and after some MasterMind Workshops, Being Dumped and Alot of time to THINK…. what on earth am I waiting for?

” There is nothing lacking withing me-I have my own truth and an amazing message and skillset that is so desperately needed and the longer that I wait those whom could, infact have been waiting on someone just like me to come along have to just sit and wait and there is no blessing in that ~DaviaGorman~So I want so share with you one of the BEST investments I PERSONALLY recommend – because I am on this journey myself

So I want so share with you one of the BEST investments I PERSONALLY recommend – because I am on this journey myself  and  I know with all of my heart that Kristi and Ken are fully devoted to seeing you succeed in your business and this is going to be LIFE CHANGING! Details from the site are below…


The Significant Business Academy:
Interactive Group Coaching

This is a 20-week, in-depth coaching program AND a business course – rolled into one.

There are 16 in-depth training calls covering areas such as list building, social media (my specialty and one of my favorite subjects), systems creation, and 16 Q&A sessions,
all built so you can ask for and receive feedback at any time.

And because it’s an interactive course, if there is an area in which you need more training, I will make sure that our weekly calls cover it,
so that you’re getting what you need, when you need it.

With a maximum of 50 people in the course – combined with your private one-to-one session with me, you’ll be sure to get the individual attention you don’t see
in any other group coaching programs

Whether you’re brand new to business or just ready
to take your business to the next level, the Significant Business Academy is for you –
motivated beginners or knowledgeable business owners alike.

If you’re ready to reach the next level by investing in your business (and yourself),
then grab your spot now!

Not Convinced….see this..

Imagine Yourself and Your Business in 6 Months…

…you know your value, where to find and attract your ideal clients, are slam-dunking your social media strategy, have your admin and support systems in place and your tech is tamed.

You feel sure-footed, armed with a solid body of business knowledge and you’ve made friends for life from a community of like-minded business people who have shared your journey.

You have your goals and strategies in place for the coming year, have scheduled breaks to recharge
and can’t wait to get into the final quarter of the year.


Successful people know that with the guidance and direction of an online business coach
and the right marketing and business plan in place, building a powerful online presence
that provides explosive results is achievable.



So here’s the course MENU…


The SBA Clever Coaching Curriculum

Circuit 1: You Are Valuable

Circuit 2: Getting Techy With It

Circuit 3: Business Building 101

Circuit 4: Captivating Copywriting

Circuit 5: Communication

Circuit 6: List Building

Circuit 7: Social Media for Business 101

Circuit 8: Let’s Get Systematized!

Circuit 9: Hiring a Team of Rockstars

BONUS Circuit 10: Scaling

So there’s no fluff…. there is nothing but foundation and building and support and all kinds of amazing here so get off your indecision mode and let’s do this thing… 20 weeks to change it all!


See you there!

